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Bramford CEVC Primary School

Bramford CEVC

Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • I'm an executive headteacher, get me out of here! 🌿🐒

    Sat 13 Jul 2024 Miss Bartlett

    I'm an executive headteacher, get me out of here! 🌿🐒

    We are very sad to see Mrs Burgess leave our school at the end of the summer term. She has been an amazing asset to our school and has always had the children's best interests at the heart of everything she has done. We simply could not let her go without her own series of Bushtucker trials in the style of I'm a Celebrity! This was hosted by our very own 'Barnes and Becks' who led Mrs Burgess through a series of trials, where she could earn a star for each course of her special jungle meal outside with the children. The children loved watching Mrs Burgess take part in the trials and enjoyed eating their special jungle lunch with her. In the afternoon, the children had their own jungle scavenger hunt to earn themselves a special star biscuit.


    Thank you Mrs Burgess for everything you have done - you really are ACE! 

  • Sports Day Winners! 🥇

    Fri 12 Jul 2024 Miss Bartlett

    Sports Day Winners! 🥇

    Year 6 were over the moon to receive the trophy for all of the children in Hawking house, as the overall winners of sports day! 

  • FOBS Logo competition winner! 🌈✨

    Fri 12 Jul 2024 Miss Bartlett

    FOBS Logo competition winner! 🌈✨

    As some of you will know, our HSA has recently been rebranded as FOBS 'Friends of Bramford'. To help the charity to rebrand, the children of Bramford took part in a competition to create a new logo which will be displayed on all of the newsletters and social media pages! To help us to decide a winner, Mr Barnes and the school council short listed the entries that were then voted for by the rest of the school. Congratulations to our winner Enya! 

  • Year 6 'work experience' 🎒

    Fri 12 Jul 2024 Miss Bartlett

    Year 6 'work experience' 🎒

    As Year 6 have nearly come to the end of their years at primary school, they were sent out on 'work experience' in preparation for their adventures to come in high school. The children signed up to help in different classes across the school, where they were given different jobs to carry out. Some were cleaning, filing, sorting and even teaching! It was lovely to have them joining some of the lower years and helping out the teachers too!

  • FOBS BFest Disco! 🎶🌸🌼

    Fri 12 Jul 2024 Miss Bartlett

    FOBS BFest Disco! 🎶🌸🌼

    We had dry weather for our all important BFest disco, which was organised by our 'Friends of Bramford' team in order to raise money for the children at Bramford school. The children in all years enjoyed dancing with their friends and teachers, taking part in disco games and of course receiving their party fuel snack box! Here are some snaps of KS1 having fun!

  • Miss Bartlett's wedding 👰💒💍

    Wed 10 Jul 2024

    Miss Bartlett's wedding 👰💒💍

    Hedgehogs and Hares had been secretly organising a wedding especially for Miss Bartlett, leading up to her own wedding in August! They were very excited to present their wedding to Miss Bartlett, with music, costumes and props they had made! 

  • Easter Church Service ⛪🐣🌷

    Wed 27 Mar 2024 Miss Bartlett

    Easter Church Service ⛪🐣🌷

    Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed an Easter church service with our parents and guardians. The service was led by Mrs Squirrell and Reverend Eric who had hidden lots of brightly coloured eggs around the church. Each egg had a number on it and a symbol on the back. Each symbol helped our year sixes to tell the Easter story. We enjoyed listening to the Easter story and singing our Easter hymns that we have been practising in assembly with Miss Emms.

  • KS1 Explorer visitor! 🎒🌎⛰🐳

    Wed 27 Mar 2024 Miss Bartlett

    KS1 Explorer visitor! 🎒🌎⛰🐳

    Hares and Hedgehogs both enjoyed a visit from an Antarctic explorer today. This is the second time that our year twos have met Mr Hall. Last time they learnt about one of his expeditions in the Arctic and today they learnt about another of his expeditions in Antarctica. They enjoyed learning more about Antarctica and how you have to get there and survive when staying there. They learnt about what you can see there and the animals you may find. We also enjoyed building on our previous map skills from the previous visit and using our bespoke maps of Bramford to find hidden flags. When looking for the flags the children used vocabulary such as north, east, south and west. We all had lots of fun and thoroughly enjoyed learning to read different maps!

  • World Book Day 2024 📚✨

    Tue 12 Mar 2024 Miss Bartlett

    World Book Day 2024 📚✨

    We had a very exciting world book day with lots of amazing costumes for the children’s favourite characters! It was lovely to see the amount of thought and effort that went into each and every costume the children wore. Throughout the day all classes enjoyed lots of world book day activities. KS2 participated in a special quiz, whilst KS1 made hedgehogs out of old books, modelled by two of our year 6 children. In the afternoon, different classes got together to share their favourite books and stories together.

  • KS1 open classroom 🦔🐇

    Tue 12 Mar 2024 Miss Bartlett

    KS1 open classroom 🦔🐇

    Hedgehogs and Hares were very excited to invite their mummies, daddies, parents and carers into their classrooms to share all of their hard work and achievements. It was lovely to see the children talking about what they had learnt, the topics they have done and for parents to see their progress!